Ana Correal Artwork Ana Correal Artwork


New Artworks and a Facebook Page!

December 12th, 2012 Loading Comments...

Hello everyone! These are the latest artworks I’ve shown on my online galleries. Hope you like them!


I have not been able for the life of me to make the wordpress gallery do as I say (or the entire site for that matter. Sometimes parts of the design appear floating around, and sometimes they dissappear. My own website trolls me!). It.just.won’ And it’s a bit too late right now to get stressed over it, so there. Haha. I swear I’ve tried. Send help T_T

If you want more frequent updates, I have a new facebook page where I upload basically everything since it’s connected to every activity of mine in the internet. I really enjoy also uploading sketches :) Follow me there!

w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / A n a C o r r e a l A r t w o r k


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